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Correspondence Supporting Establishment of National Seashore

Correspondence Supporting Establishment of National Seashore
Testimony of nine artists and writers - one lawyer and one architect before the House of Representatives December 16 & 17, 1960. Eighty-Sixth Congress. Mary Cecil Allen, Fritz Bultman, Josephine Del Deo, Miriam Hapgood DeWitt, Ross Moffett, Jack Tworkov, Mary Heaton Vorse, Heaton Vorse, Hazel Hawthorne Werner (artists and writers, Provincetown). S. Osborn Ball (lawyer, Provincetown) Serge Chermayeff (architect, Wellfleet)
United States Government
Cape Cod (Mass.) History, Cape Cod National Seashore (Mass.), Emergency Committee for the Preservation of the Province Lands. (Provincetown, Mass.), Local government -- Massachusetts -- Provincetown, Province Lands--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Provincelands, Provincetown (Mass.) -- Politics and government, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century, Town Meeting, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, and United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Subcommittee on Public Lands

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