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34 Pearl St

34 Pearl St
Historic District Survey information for 34 Pearl St
Architectural Description: 34 Commercial St. is a 1-story, 5-bay center chimney cottage. Side-gable roof has central stuccoed brick chimney. Gable dormer and skylight on south (front) slope. Large gable dormer on north slope. Exterior chimney - west end. Main entry - replacement pane-and-panel door with storm; concrete stoop. Windows include 6/6 wood DHS with storms and louver shutters, 12/8 DHS in east gable end, upper portion, and 12/12 and 6/6 DHS on north facade. Secondary entrance on north facade. Deck on west facade.
Historical Narrative: As per Tom Boland (1974): Located well away from the waterfront, this property likely served as a small farmstead. Pearl Street is one of the earliest side streets in Provincetown to venture in the sand hills. At one time, this location probably commanded a full view of the harbor and shoreline. Clearly indicated on the 1836 and 1858 maps, #34 Pearl Street is noted as the home of Mrs. L. Pratt in 1880 and 1889. In 1901 the owner was George O. Knowles who ran a grocery store at #289 Commercial Street.
Dwellings, Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown, and Pearl Street (Provincetown, Mass.)
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