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Kelly’s Corner 175 - Provincetown High School Graduation – 1998

Kelly’s Corner 175 - Provincetown High School Graduation – 1998
Jan Kelly writes a weekly column for Provincetown Magazine. Graduation comes upon us each year, but it always seems like the first time. Rather than a set of emotions, our feelings are for the individuals and the individuals are different each year, each ceremony. Ms. Leslie Smith-Tighe, a former graduate, delivered the Commencement Address at the invitation of Mr. Arthur Reis, her 7th grade teacher. Leslie is now a 'lawyer and an advocate for childrens' rights. Leslie spoke of Mr. Reis, urging his students to challenge themselves, personally. Nothing wrong with going slow, she said and don't worry about what someone else thinks. Keep moving and you won't go wrong. Stillness is motion too. Check yourself, listen to yourself. Reflect and then move on.
High Schools--Massachusetts--Provincetown and Provincetown (Mass.)--History--20th century

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