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MacMillan Collection



Rear Admiral Donald B. MacMillan, Provincetown's most famous son, was born on November 10, 1874 at 574 Commercial Street. From the beginning, an adventurous spirit, an indomitable will and a mind given to extraordinary inquiry were marks of his character. Throughout his very long life, Donald B. MacMillan was a man capable of great feats of physical strength and endurance, which were always accompanied by a patient good nature, steady judgment and genuine caring for his fellow man. [More...]

Showing all archives in the MacMillan collection
Items per page:
  • A Portuguese Boy
    Slide #8 of Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan's lecture: The Life-Saving Service of Cape Cod.
    Collection: MacMillan
    Format: Negative
    Subjects: Boats and boating, Cape Cod (Mass.) History, Lifesaving, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Truro, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--19th century, Sailing ships, Shipwrecks, and MacMillan, Donald B.
  • Four Masted on the Beach
    Slide #59 of Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan's lecture: The Life-Saving Service of Cape Cod
    Collection: MacMillan
    Format: Negative
    Subjects: Boats and boating, Cape Cod (Mass.) History, Lifesaving, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Truro, Sailing ships, Shipwrecks, and MacMillan, Donald B.
  • A Two Masted Schooner in the Surf
    Slide #32 of Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan's lecture: The Life-Saving Service of Cape Cod.
    Collection: MacMillan
    Format: Negative
    Subjects: Boats and boating, Lifesaving, Provincetown (Mass.)--History--19th century, Sailing ships, Schooners, Shipwrecks, and MacMillan, Donald B.
  • Wave Washed Derelict
    Slide #46 of Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan's lecture: The Life-Saving Service of Cape Cod
    Collection: MacMillan
    Format: Negative
    Subjects: Boats and boating and MacMillan, Donald B.
  • Horses on the Beach
    Slide #60 of Rear Admiral Donald MacMillan's lecture: The Life-Saving Service of Cape Cod
    Collection: MacMillan
    Format: Negative
    Subjects: Boats and boating, Cape Cod (Mass.) History, Lifesaving, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Provincetown, Lifesaving stations--Massachusetts--Truro, Sailing ships, Shipwrecks, and MacMillan, Donald B.
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