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Municipal Collection

Showing all archives in the Municipal collection, Text format, Art galleries, Commercial subject
Items per page:
  • Jonathan Blum
    An article by Timothy Burton on Jonathan Blum in Provincetown Magazine – July, 1993.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art and Art galleries, Commercial
  • Paul Bowen
    An article on sculptor Paul Bowen by Lisa Sheehy in 1987. An interview by Timothy Woodman in...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Art Museums
  • Pat Bruno
    A post card advertising an exhibit titled “Sympathetic Vibrations” by Paul Bruno in April, 1999.
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art and Art galleries, Commercial
  • Polly Burnell
    An article by Jennifer Hager in the Provincetown Banner (July 1, 1999) and a catalog from an...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Art Museums
  • Fritz Bultman
    An article titled “Fritz Bultman Remembered” by Ron Shuebrook in Provincetown Arts in 1994, an...
    Collection: Municipal
    Format: Text
    Subjects: Art, Art galleries, Commercial, and Art Museums
Items per page:

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