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6 Conwell St

6 Conwell St
Historic District Survey information for 6 Conwell St
Architectural Description: 6 Conwell Street is a 2-story multi-bay inn, consisting of a front-gable roof section at the north end, and side gable additions toward the south. Brick chimneys near ridge of each building section; large shed wall dormer in north roof slope. Entry door locations altered on east facade; the only entrance remaining on former main (east) facade consists of a pane and panel door with storm. The rear (west) facade contains multiple entries at 1st and 2nd stories; wood stairs and 2nd story deck. Windows are mostly 6/1 replacement vinyl DHS; one multi-bay fixed window with leaded fanlight; 1/1 DHS in north facade; 1/1 and 6/6 replacement DHS on the rear.
Historical Narrative: Known as "Dexter's Inn" (2004).
Conwell Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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