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198 Bradford St

198 Bradford St
Historic District Survey information for 198 Bradford St
Architectural Description: 198 Bradford Street is a 1-story, 3-bay, Vernacular Greek Revival cottage; the roof is side gable and clad in wood shingles; the primary facade is clad in clapboard siding and the secondary facades are wood shingle, there are wood corner boards and frieze; fenestration includes 9/9 DHS windows with shutters; the primary entrance contains a partially enclosed central entry vestibule; the rear addition not visible from street
Historical Narrative: As per Josephine Del Deo (1977): "This house shows as a fish shed for H&S Cook on the 1880 map of Provincetown. It has been altered by numerous additions, the most recent being that of the painter I. H. Caliga at the turn of the century. Caliga was a well-known painter who came here with eh advent of the art movement (see #145-P) and was a permanent resident for the following years until his death. His wife, Elizabeth Howland Caliga, also a painter, lived in the house until her death in the early 1960s. Both I. H. Caliga and Elizabeth Caliga were frequent exhibitors at the Art Association. Caliga was a painter of the Munich school and studied in Europe extensively. Mrs. Caliga also studied and traveled abroad. Together with her sister, Ruth DeWitt, they occupied this house for nearly fifty years. The interior of the house in 1965 at the time of Ruth DeWitt's death was charming and very typical of the manner in which artists had altered houses to suit their artistic careers. An excellent north light studio in the rear of the main living quarters was beautifully appointed in the Tudor style with many furnishings from Europe throughout both parts of the house. Mr. Caliga constructed and altered much of the house himself at the time of his ownership. Caliga actually preceded Charles Hawthorne's arrival, first coming to Provincetown prior to 1899. A collection of pewter from the Caliga estate is in the Provincetown Heritage Museum."
Bradford Street (Provincetown, Mass.), Dwellings, and Historic Districts--Massachusetts--Provincetown
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